In the past 2 weeks, both David and my sister Cindy have said to me "he's only like this when you're around". Referring to Finn's over-emotional, clingy, whiny disposition. I can walk into the room where David and Finn are happily getting on, and one look at me and he is bawling his eyes out.
I've also noticed how easy it comes to David. He's able to let Finn "cry it out" a lot easier than I am. I CAN do this, but it takes every ounce of will power to not snatch him up in my arms and comfort him. David is constantly reminding me "he's fine", "he's not going to starve if he doesn't eat his peas", etc.
I'm not a maniac mom, either. I take pride in that fact that I don't freak out about every bump and scratch, and I have a pretty laid back attitude about parenting. But, listening to Cindy and David has me thinking. What is it about me that brings out this behavior? Am I nurturing the behavior?
The only conclusion I can come to is this: I'm mommy. I know when I was younger and not feeling great, or needed some emotional comfort, it was a hug from mom or a little extra attention that got me through. It's tough...and how crazy is that to say. Because 98% of the time he's choosing me to come to in these times. And it's not always convenient, but I wouldn't trade it for the world.
And I'm lucky to have David to balance things out. I defintely couldn't do this without him. He keeps me from being the pushover as we tread into new waters with Finn. It's amazing that he has all of these emotions, and the best we both can do is to provide him the best way we both know how.
I'm not gonna lie...sometimes, it secretly makes me feel good when Finn picks me over David. Just don't tell David I said that ;)