
These are the shots I ordered.

A sampling of the photo shoot

No idea why they like to put him in a basket. They did that last time, too. These are some of the shots that I didn't order, but wish I had...there were way too many cute pictures to choose from, I had a hard time.


All's quiet on the homefront

Not much to report so far this week. Today, we are pretty tired. Finn woke up at 1a.m. very upset and unwilling to go back to sleep for 45 minutes! Also, we went and had Finn's pictures taken this afternoon and let me tell you, they are adorable! I will be slipping them in the mail soon! Here's a picture of my 2 boys relaxing...awwwwww....


Lil' Pumpkin

Fall is absolutely my most favorite time of year (besides the fact that it leads to winter). And Fall in the Midwest is amazing, I can't wait!

Although it was 75 degrees out this morning, we decided to go ahead and kick off the season by visiting the Louisburg Cider Mill and pumpkin patch. In true Kansas fashion, there were hayrides, a corn maze, and tons of other activities.

We watched how apple cider was made and I highly recommend the apple cider doughnuts! Yum!

Finn picked out his first pumpkin!

David and Jairus attempted the corn maze while Finn and I checked out the pot-bellied pigs and baby goats. I wasn't about to push the stroller though a giant maze!

We had a really great time on the hayride. Finn loved checking out the sights!

It was a great day! If you live in the Kansas area, I highly recommend it. And the next 2 weekends are the cider fest (we went a week early, darn). There will be pony rides, crafts, food, bouncy fun, etc. The price wasn't bad either...$5 for the maze, animals, and hayride (of course, Finn was free) and only $2 for Finn's pumpkin! Welcome Fall!!!!


Yum! My very talented huband made this delicious meal for our friends and I thought it was so delicious! I had to share the finished results with you all because he worked so hard!



Check out the ticker I added if you scroll all the way to the bottom of Finn's blog. Now you can enjoy the countdown with us!


Guess who's helping me with the laundry?

No, it's not David (although, it should be)...it's Brobee and Finn!

On a side note...Finn fell from his crib this morning. We woke to a thump and lots of crying. He was okay, but we were scared. David lowered the mattress all the way down...hopefully, no more accidents.


Conquering some new skills...

We've been working on getting Finn to hold his own bottle. For some reason, he can't quite grasp it, but he does real well with the sippy cup. Next, I think I'll teach him to empty out the diaper genie.

9 months and 1 day!

Can you belive it? Here are the stats from Finn's check-up:

Weight: 19 lbs. 2 oz. (feels like 50)
Height: 28"

We've been a little worried about his left eye b/c it's been a little red for a while. But, we were assured that it is just dryness and should resolve itself. You can see it in some of the pictures. Otherwise, Finn is doing great and closer to 12 months!

I know I'm a bit obsessed,

but Target now has a line of Yo Gabba Gabba toys! The show is a magic baby soother, and whenever Finn hears the intro, he is immediately captured and occupied for quite a while. The toys are no different. He saw those things in the store and was quite excited. We brought home this little "Brobee" doll and Finn cuddles him nonstop. I think I know what Finn is getting for his birthday!

Let's talk meat sticks...

I have to say that I have stayed away from the meat sticks in the baby food aisle. They sort of freak me out, but the pediatrician recomended them and I had a coupon, so we gave them a try. There are several other good uses for meat sticks, besides nutritional value...

Hair Gel.

Pet Food.

A Spa Facial.

And making a hungry boy happy...what a meat-stick-mess!

He's okay!

Well, it turns out that finn was having a difficult time cutting 2 new teeth. Can you believe teeth can cause a fever that high? He now has 6 teeth! Makes it easier to chew those meat sticks (see above post).



103 degree temperature = a very miserable but cuddley baby. Stay tuned...


project basement

I wanted to show you all what Holly and I came up with for the chalkboard wall. I was going to wait until all of our projects were finished to do a grand reveal, but I am so excited about the outcome, I just couldn't resist sharing it. Here's the final product (it was really hard to get a good picture, but I think you get an idea).

Now we just need to teach Finn to write so he can use it. Thanks, Holly, for working on this with me...it's already making a huge difference!

labor day weekend...is over :(

For labor day weekend, we decided to kick back, take it easy, and enjoy the free time. The weekend went as follows:


Holly came over first thing on Saturday to work on some ideas for the basement. She left in the early afternoon and Finn and I decided to stay in for the day. It pretty much went like this:
Finn-crawling all over the place, playing with air vents...

Me- chasing after Finn and acting as a live baby gate against the stairs. (we probably need to invest in some real gates, this can't last forever).

Finally, it was bedtime and I got to work on the basement (see above post)


Finn woke up miserable....BAD diaper rash. He had so many dirty diapers and every time I changed and wiped his toosh, he cried so hard :( It was a rough day, but he was so exhausted from the trauma of the day he went to bed super early. We decided to do a special dinner with Marcy and Jairus to celebrate the weekend. CRAB LEGS!

Ah, they were so delicious! I miss the South! It was quite a feast!


Finn and I slept in until 10 a.m. Excellent for Mommie, horrible for the diaper rash. Another day of misery. We went to CVS and (with the suggestion from Sara) bought some pricier cream. I think it's working very well! Someone seems happier.

Thanks, Sara! I hope it's cleared up in the morning for Daddy. Oh, and Finn is starting to pull himself up to a standing position. He'll be cruising in no time. And, that's our weekend. Pretty boring, but so eventful! Now, it's back to work. Boo.