We've retired the high-chair and moved into a booster seat. Tonight we ate dinner at the table as a family. Here's Finn looking very studious, trying out his new seat this afternoon. Can you believe what a little person he is becoming?
He really is growing quickly into a little man. He's very busy working on his project! He's too cute! Re: Previous post... I think I'd have to scoop him up anytime he let out a little whimper too! I agree, that's what moms do best:)
He really is growing quickly into a little man. He's very busy working on his project! He's too cute!
Re: Previous post...
I think I'd have to scoop him up anytime he let out a little whimper too! I agree, that's what moms do best:)
if anyone is wondering...that was my friend, Joanna...she sent me an e-mail letting me know that was her! Thanks for the comments, I love them!
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