
Fun with "Dadda"

Look how much fun these guys had this afternoon. They were playing up a storm! And check out Finn's brand new Yo Gabba Gabba PJs...I found a whole section at WalMart and bought one of everything. Finn pretty much had a heart attack when he saw them and grabbed for them. I let him hold them up to the register and he snuggled the clothes the whole way there! I think I'm saving them for his Birthday.

Also, Knee Injury update. Not good, if you haven't heard already. I tore my ACL and meniscus. Surgery on Tuesday to repair and rebuild. I'll be stuck on the couch for about 10 days and recovery takes about 4 months. So, feel free to call or e-mail b/c I'm sure I'll be bored. My mom's coming out tomorrow night, so I'll put her on camera duty to update the blog!

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