
Monday night update

phew...what a day. I went to see my dr. today and what a total bummer. Well, let me start from the beginning. My post-op appt. was supposed to be on Tuesday, but I went in early b/c my toes were numb and cold, so he wanted me to come in and do a sonogram to check for blood clots...no clots (thank goodness)...but there was another surprise. Apparently, when he did my surgery, the damage was much more extensive than previously diagnosed...booooooo! So, basically....no walking or leaving the couch for 3 more weeks!

I have to tell you, I thought I was going to be able to walk out of his office, but not the case. And what bad timing for work...we are crazy busy right now! I am working from home for now, but I miss my routine and I am soooo tired of the price is right already! O well...there's not much I can do, but I miss picking Finn up and playing on the floor with him. AND I think he prefers my mom over me now since she'd been feeding and tending to him :( Dr. Key did unlock my brace which allows me to somewhat bend my knee but it is sooooo painful, and I will be starting my physical therapy this week...that won't be pleasant (maybe I should stop typing since I am not in the most positive mood).

Needless to say, I have been sad about this news...(ask David, I got a little frustrated this afternoon and took it out on him..sorry, David).

I will also not be going on our trip to Atlanta in a few weeks, The boys will be traveling alone (sob). My next challenge is figuring things out...my mom was only planning to stay until next Sunday bc I was supossed to be going back to work in 1 week..bleh...if anyone wants to come stay and take care of me you are very welcome...we have a guest room!

Good night...back to sleep on the couch...yuck!


Anonymous said...

Marcy ,
(( 0 0 ))
; ;
Those are tears not a nose. I'm so sad you won't be coming ! We have a comfy couch get youself medivaced here and I will take care of you. We even have a bed on the 1st floor that would be good for you to recouperate in.

Unknown said...

Girl, I'm so sorry! Rest up, and get yourself well. I'll be thinking of you :)