Holly came over first thing on Saturday to work on some ideas for the basement. She left in the early afternoon and Finn and I decided to stay in for the day. It pretty much went like this:
Finn-crawling all over the place, playing with air vents...
Me- chasing after Finn and acting as a live baby gate against the stairs. (we probably need to invest in some real gates, this can't last forever).
Finally, it was bedtime and I got to work on the basement (see above post)
Finn woke up miserable....BAD diaper rash. He had so many dirty diapers and every time I changed and wiped his toosh, he cried so hard :( It was a rough day, but he was so exhausted from the trauma of the day he went to bed super early. We decided to do a special dinner with Marcy and Jairus to celebrate the weekend. CRAB LEGS!
Ah, they were so delicious! I miss the South! It was quite a feast!
Finn and I slept in until 10 a.m. Excellent for Mommie, horrible for the diaper rash. Another day of misery. We went to CVS and (with the suggestion from Sara) bought some pricier cream. I think it's working very well! Someone seems happier.
Thanks, Sara! I hope it's cleared up in the morning for Daddy. Oh, and Finn is starting to pull himself up to a standing position. He'll be cruising in no time. And, that's our weekend. Pretty boring, but so eventful! Now, it's back to work. Boo.
1 comment:
Sounds like a fun weekend. Looks like Finn need some knee pads from all the crawling, he must keep you hopping ! WE can't belive he is pulling himself up already ! We must get out there for a weekend we are missing all the fun !
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