So, like any crazy psycho mother experiencing her 1st baby ailment, I ran him up to the pediatrician. I think maybe I was hoping he would tell me that poor little Finn was way to sick to go to daycare and I would have to stay home from work, cuddle with him, and catch up on all the reality t.v. I've been missing since his birth (selfish mommy moment, I know, but I think I deserve those every now and then).
He just checked his ears and nose and looked at me with a narrow brow and said..."Is this the 1st time he's been sick?" Of course, making me feel like a complete idiot and insinuating that I'm a complete dork for even taking the time to bring him in. Then he told me to take him to daycare and go to work. Some nerve! Anyway, Finn doesn't even seem bothered by the stuffy nose. So, maybe we can't even consider this is first illness...yes, still a bionic genius, I think so.
Anyway, several saline squirts later, Finn has sprung another tooth up top. It's really not as cute as I was thinking. I like him with just the 2 bottom teeth and it's such a reminder that he's getting closer and closer to a grown adult. He'll be chewing gum and eating steak in no time!
On a lighter note, My mom and niece, Tori have been in town this week. Tori is 6 (almost 7) and seriously a crazy little girl. So much energy. I'm reconsidering more children after this visit... She adores "Baby Finn", as she calls him. And he just thinks she is fascinating and hilarious. She asks him questions that she expects responses to. Such as, "what toy do you want, Baby Finn?" or she'll talk to him as if he understands saying "stay right there, Baby Finn, I'm just going to get some popcorn and I'll be right back". It's pretty cute. We had a fun weekend...
We went to T. Rex for lunch one day. Such a neat themed restaurant for kids.
Nani and Finn outside T. Rex.
Isn't this the cutest? Here they are watching Yo Gabba Gabba together, a family favorite.
1 comment:
Hope Finn feels better! That's funny about the tooth; I can see how that would be weird... very adult-like. It's too soon! I wonder if he's crawling yet...
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