
Playtime (with Daddy)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marcy, and david, I am loving this blog thing.. its so good......anyways, it looks like you are having so much fun! all we have are 3 cats. we babysit on occasion , and its nice to borrow and give back.. Kayden (he's almost 2) Loves Keg, (or thats what he calls me) anyways, keep posting. I would love to visit sometime in lenexo, or wherever.... I will have to look into attraction, and such for the area. So far for january, I have done some local traveling, going out, ect......I do have a wild side ya know......Finn is so cute... Hope everyone is staying warm, it was bitter cold here on saturday, -2, and I went to louisville........LOL, ohh well.. I cranked up the heat at the hotel! Keep posting, I love it!
