

Ok, ok...after receiving an e-mail from David's mom stating "there has been no blog activity since Nov. 5th" I realize that I have been slacking. Reasons:

1. Photos from the couch can only be captured in one perspective

2. I have returned to work this week and am pretty achey and tired at the end of the day.

3. I don't leave the house, except work and rehab.

and finally-

4. I have returned to work this week and am pretty achey and tired at the end of the day. Ha!

No, seriously, I will be back to posting regularly. I am just adjusting to this busy schedule and getting the camera isn't the easiest since it is kept in a drawer not within arms reach! Hope no one was too worried about us. We are doing as well as we can!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to hear you are having such a rough time with your leg. I spoke with David and he said you could only put 50% weight on it. I think thats worse than none at all because you are never sure if its 50% you are putting on it. Wow you are back at work ! I would still be on the couch ! You are the master multi tasker. Get well soon.
Love Linda