Last night Finn was baptised. It was a bittersweet occassion since my whole family intended to fly to Kansas for the occassion. But, given the circumstances that my father is ill, that wasn't possible :( However, it was a very special night and Finnley was a joy. He didn't make one peep the entire time. My friend, Marcy, stood in for my sister, Cindy, who is Finn's godmother. Here is Finn with his godfather, Uncle Tom.

I look pretty excited...maybe I was deep in prayer.

splish, splash...

My friend, Holly brought us this delicious ice cream nice is that?

Not sure who that is, but I wouldn't click on it...
I clicked on the first comment before I read your comment. It was a virus scan. You all look great in the pictures given the cirrcumstances. Happy Christening little Finnley! The other pics with the newborn make Finn look so big. They make an adorable couple. Love to all
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