The events of the last week have been completely crazy! We went to the doctor on Monday to get some test results and it turns out I had preeclampsia, so she sent us immediately over to the hospital. You can imagine our surprise! So, after 2 1/2 days of being induced with no results, my doctor decided that it was time for a cesarean. I was nervous, but relived to finally meet our new son. Turns out, it would have been a difficult birth due to the fact that he had a larger head, he was "sunny side up" and he had a knot in his umbilical cord. Talk about the odds stacked against us! Nevertheless, we are now home. We had to stay in the hospital a few extra days because my blood pressure is still high from the preeclampsia, so we were there a total of 7 days and are so glad to be home. I am still recovering and my BP is a little high, but my doctor is keeping an eye on me and I am resting. Thanks to all of you who have sent their prayers and good wishes. We are doing well and hope you can all come and visit and meet Finnley soon!